Get Android L Keyboard and Google Home Launcher on any Android Device!

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Even though Android L developer preview has been making headlines for both the Nexus 5 and the Nexus 7 2013 it's unfortunate that those are the only two devices to get a supported Android L developer preview. 

Luckily for anyone who doesn't own a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 2013 we can now install the Android L keyboard and Google Home launcher on just about any Android device, phone or tablet. I guess Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 can't have all the fun! I didn't find any differences between the Kitkat and Android L Home launcher, but I added the files anyway.

This process is straight forward on how to get both the Android L keyboard and the Google Home launcher on an Android device since it's just installing APKs. Best of all, these procedures don't require any root at all (except for Nexus devices)!

Download Android L keyboard and Google Home launcher using the links below. Also follow the step by step guide located below the download links!!

Download Velvet.apk

Download GoogleHome.apk
Download LatinImeGoogle_noroot.apk 
How to Install Android L Keyboard:
  • If you already have a version of Google Keyboard installed, uninstall it first!
  • Nexus users! - Nexus 4, Nexus 7 2012, etc. You must be rooted and uninstall the stock Google keyboard to install the Android L keyboard on your Nexus device!
1. Go into Settings > Security > and check mark "Unknown sources".
2. Download LatinImeGoogle_noroot.apk to your phone using the download link located above.
3. Locate and tap on the APK file, you can use an app like File Manger to help you locate the APK. 
4. Tap on "Install" and then "Done". 
5. Go into Settings > Language and input > and select "Google Keyboard". 
6. Now tap on the gear symbol next to "Google Keyboard" > Advanced settings > and change Color scheme to "Material". 

You now have Android L keyboard on your Android phone or tablet! 

How to Install Android L Home Launcher:
1. Go into Settings > Security > and check mark "Unknown sources".
2. Download Velvet.apk and LatinImeGoogle_noroot.apk using the download links located above. 
3. Locate and tap on Velvet.apk, you can use an app like File Manger to help you locate the APK. 
4. Tap on "Install" and then "Done". 
5. Repeat steps 3-4 with GoogleHome.apk.
You're done, you now have Android L Google Home launcher on your Android device! 

Credits - XDA

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Get Android L Keyboard and Google Home Launcher on any Android Device! Get Android L Keyboard and Google Home Launcher on any Android Device! Reviewed by Unknown on 7:03 PM Rating: 5

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