How to unlock the Bootloader of the Gionee Elife S Plus

Follow this simple steps to unlock the Bootloader of the Gionee Elife S Plus:

>> You can make a backup of your stuff unlocking the Bootloader wipes your data
>> Enable USB Debugging on the Gionee Elife S Plus by goin to settings
>> Enable OEM Unlocking under Settings > Developer options
>> Setup ADB and Fastboot on the PC HERE
>> Connect the phone to the PC via USB cord
>> Run ADB command

  •  In ADB, type this command (press Enter after the command)

type:  adb devices

  •  ADB should detect the device.
  •  Now you can boot it into Fastboot by typing the following command (hit Enter after the command)

type:  adb reboot-bootloader

  •  The phone should now be in Fastboot mode (black screen with fastboot written at the top or bottom)
  • Now run the following command in fastboot (hit Enter after the command)

type:  fastboot oem unlock

  •  You will now get a prompt on the screen asking you to confirm Bootloader unlock, select yes with the volume up button
  •  You can now smile course you have successfully unlock your Gionee Elife S Plus! :)
  •  Now Reboot the device by typing the following command  (hit Enter after the command)

type: fastboot reboot

How to unlock the Bootloader of the Gionee Elife S Plus How to unlock the Bootloader of the Gionee Elife S Plus Reviewed by Unknown on 6:29 PM Rating: 5

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